New task force setup by province aims to tackle social issues in Edmonton

Posted December 13, 2022 7:09 pm.
The Alberta government says they plan on tackling Edmonton’s social issues through a new task force.
“Addiction is a neurobiological illness and what does that mean? They need medical treatment. That’s what we’re trying to do. We want to get them help, we want to get them off the street,” said Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services.
The task force will spend the $63 million the governing UCP has already announced for Edmonton to address addiction, mental health and homelessness.
This comes in the light of a double homicide in Edmonton’s Chinatown that had the UCP scrutinizing how Edmonton Social Services are funded.
“This funding will dramatically increase access to addiction services and supports over the next two years and 19 million has been allocated to combat homelessness,” said Nicholas Miliken, Minister of Mental Health and Addiction.
Two city councillors were hand-picked by the UCP to be part of this task force creating some tensions between the province and the city.
Edmonton mayor Amarjeet Sohi saying, “I was not made aware of it. We were not in any way included in the creation of this. It’s a decision the province has made.”
Mayor Sohi is concerned there’s not more representation from those with lived experience and says because the councilors were hand-picked, they are not representing all of the council.
“I received an invitation yesterday to participate,” said Councillor Tim Cartmell. “My understanding is it’s aimed at action so a lot of what we talk about for the city.”
The office of municipal affairs told CityNews they welcome the opportunity to have the mayor present to the task force and invite him to any relevant events and announcements.