Premier Notley answers tough energy sector questions

OTTAWA – Alberta’s Premier was in the hot seat Wednesday night as she was asked about the province’s struggling energy economy.

Rachel Notley was asked by Maclean’s Senior Writer Paul Wells to also explain previous comments she made about how Canada has been holding the Alberta economy hostage.

Notley said a lot of it centres on the regulatory regime.

According to the Alberta Premier, the failure by previous governments to acknowledge community and environmental concerns caused major problems along with environmentalist efforts to shut down the energy industry from using pipelines.

“On top of it, we are now seeing a high level of regulatory uncertainty being brought to bear by the proposed changes the current government has brought in.”


She said her relationship with the Prime Minister is a productive one but adds they do disagree on many issues, including bill C-69.

When asked if Trudeau bet too heavily on Trans Mountain, she said the decision to assume it would get done goes too far and the door should be open on projects through B.C.’s northwestern port.