Edmonton crime rate declines by 7.2%: EPS annual report

Posted April 26, 2024 12:47 pm.
The Edmonton Police Service says the crime rate in the city dropped by 7.2 per cent in 2023, compared to 2022.
The EPS’s annual report says a large reason for the drop was due to lower numbers of non-violent crimes, which declined by 4.6 per cent.
Police say the drop helps highlight the importance of initiatives like safer public spaces, transit and community safety teams, and the guns and gangs strategy.
“After a particularly challenging few years, I am glad to report that the EPS is seeing progress on a number of fronts, especially when it comes to a drop in Edmonton’s crime rate,” says Chief Dale McFee.
“But progress does not mean we stop or dial back our approach. In places where we have made the most noticeable strides, such as through Safer Public Spaces and enhanced transit deployment, it means we have to keep applying the same level of persistence and dedication.”
Despite the lower crime rate, EPS says the number of dispatched calls for service increased from 2021 to 2023 by about five per cent.
The report also indicated that more Edmontonians are happy with the job done by officers, as 57 per cent of those surveyed said the overall job of police as good or excellent, compared to 51 per cent in 2022.
Public complaints also decreased over the year, from 1,184 in 2022 to 1,115 in 2023. Complaints were also made in less than 1 per cent of calls.
“We recognize the importance of keeping our community informed of our efforts and accomplishments while being honest about our challenges,” says Lori Lorenz, Executive Director of the EPS Value and Impact Division.
“The report provides the public with a comprehensive understanding of the EPS’ role in promoting safety and building trust, while demonstrating in a clear and accessible manner how Edmontonians are getting value from their police service.”
The Youth Services Section also set a three-year high, by helping divert 322 youth away from the criminal justice system.
EPS will be using their data from the 2023 report to update goals for the 2023-26 strategic plan, which includes initiatives in 2024 to drive down the frequency of high-harm violent crimes like assault and criminal offences with weapons.
“We are also seeing marked improvement in our recruiting and attrition numbers, something police services across North America have been struggling with. Last year our recruit classes grew significantly and our attrition rate for all employees dropped. Not only are we attracting top talent, but we are also retaining our current talent at a much better rate, which is very encouraging,” McFee said.
A full break down of the 2023 annual report can be found on the Edmonton Police Service website.