Edmonton shootings down 46% year to date: police stats

Edmonton police reported 13 shootings last month, matching the number of shootings in October 2023.

But overall shootings in 2024 are down 46 per cent compared to the same timeframe in 2023, police say.

Out of the 13 shootings reported this October, nine are believed to be targeted, three resulted in injuries, and 12 had the potential to harm innocent bystanders, said Edmonton police.

Shootings by month in 2024 and 2023 (Edmonton police)

Edmonton police add in the shootings where targets can be accounted for, six were fired at people, three were aimed at a building or residence, and two of the shootings targeted vehicles.

“Overall, we are still seeing our downward trend continue with a 46% reduction in shootings compared to last year, and the EPS remains committed to investigating every shooting and charging those responsible,” said Staff Sgt. Eric Stewart, with the EPS Guns and Gangs Section in a news release.

Police seized 94 firearms in October, and 695 overall in 2024. This time last year, 733 firearms were seized over the same time period.

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