Former Alberta justice minister Kaycee Madu to be sanctioned by law society

A former Alberta justice minister is to be sanctioned after the provincial law society determined he “undermined respect for the administration of justice” when he phoned Edmonton’s police chief after receiving a traffic ticket.

The Law Society of Alberta cited Kaycee Madu for the 2021 call last year, and a hearing took place in June.

In a hearing report, committee members say Madu’s conduct is worthy of sanction, although a punishment has yet to be determined.


The report says the committee is to reconvene to determine a proper sanction, which could amount to a suspension or even disbarment.

Madu maintained that his call to Chief Dale McFee was unrelated to the distracted driving ticket, and he was phoning for reassurance the officer who issued him the ticket was not racially profiling him.

The report says Madu’s argument was not supported by the evidence and he attempted to use his position of power to influence a personal issue.