Terwillegar rec centre name officially changes

From Terwillegar to Booster Juice, the recreation centre completes its name change Thursday afternoon. Despite the city maintaining the operation, some people question the name change. Our Leo Cruzat reports.

Starting Thursday, the Terwillegar Community Rec Centre is officially the Booster Juice Community Rec Centre in Terwilleger.

“I think it’s great. It’s a good change for 2024. It’s a good change to Booster Juice instead of Terwillegar now,” said an Edmontonian CityNews spoke to regarding the name change.

“I thought it was kinda odd like I prefer to have just Terwillegar because it identifies the area of the rec centre.”


In August, the City announced a 10-year sponsorship deal with Booster Juice, the name becoming official Thursday.

“I hate to think that they’re kinda selling out by – by linking together with brands.”

“I’d like to know how much they actually paid for the right for that, the fact that it says Booster Juice instead of Terwilleger, doesn’t sound as a community, it sounds very corporate.”

READ MORE: Booster Juice buys naming right for Terwillegar Centre

However, Edmonton’s director of community recreation says they won’t be releasing the price tag on the deal anytime soon.


“Until council approves the partnership, they hold the right to make that decision on behalf of the city and our community, we are pursuing additional name sales and it does compromise the ability to negotiate with potential future partners,” said Kim Brockhoff, City of Edmonton.

And while Terwillegar is the first taxpayer-funded rec centre to have its name sold. The city already eying naming deals for the Meadows, Claireview and even the still-under-construction Lewis Farm Estate Rec Centre.

“It does help all the revenue generated through this name sales, helps us offset our operating cost, we’re always looking for an opportunity to increase our revenue stream to offset taxes to lessen the tax burden of running this facility,” said Brockhoff.

The president of Booster Juice says the deal was three years in the making.

“Because it was the first of its kind for them, had to go quite a few different stages and focus groups to make sure, the right partner is gonna be chosen,” explained Dale Wishewan, the founder and president of Booster Juice.


While the name may be different, the day-to-day operations will be maintained by the City of Edmonton.