K-Days unveils greenspace and new rides

Posted July 18, 2024 4:16 pm.
It’s not what you expect when you hear K-Days, but a greenspace making its debut this year. Klondike Park is a place where families can eat, grab beverages, and relax. And the park isn’t the only new addition this year.
Two new rides will be making their first appearance at the grounds, including the outlaw rollercoaster in the heart of the grounds.
Those looking to cool off in the shade at Klondike Park will also find a beer garden and concert after-parties.
“I think for me, I’m really excited about this green space. It’s something we’ve been lacking as an event for some time. So, to have this finally re-opened this year, it’s really exciting,” said Arlindo Gomes, the vice president of Explore Edmonton.
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But with the rising costs of living crisis facing Edmonton households, officials at K-Days claim the event is family-friendly when it comes to prices.
Saying every year they try to think of new ways to help those who can’t afford admission to the grounds, including giving out over 100,000 free tickets to schools in the city this year.
“It’s really important we make K-Days as accessible and affordable as possible. So we have provided a variety of ways Edmontonians can access the event,” explained Gomes.
But with daytime highs in the 30s lasting into next week, five water filling stations have been set up around the grounds providing free water for those who bring their water bottles.
Thursday, marking the start of Taste of Edmonton, the festival also reminds attendees to be ready for the heat if heading to Churchill Square.
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“We want people to feel comfortable we want people to feel safe. Wear hats, and wear sunscreen if you can handle it. But stay hydrated,” said Donovan Vienneau, the general manager of Taste of Edmonton.
The event also makes sure there are as many shady areas as possible and has increased its first aid staff by 40 per cent to help those impacted by the heat.