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How are Edmontonians dealing with mosquitoes?

Experts say Edmonton could see a mosquito population boom after the rainy weather we've been getting--how do Edmontonians deal with the pests?

After a rainy few days in Edmonton people are outside enjoying the grass on a sunny Friday, but with rain and sun comes mosquitoes.

Wildfires are the worst in a dry spring like we had for much of this year. But that dryness does mean we have fewer mosquitos.

“We live in a high-rise condo, so they don’t usually make it up that far to our balcony. But otherwise the golfer, I spray when I golf,” said an Edmonton couple CityNews spoke to.

That mosquito-free spring is about to change. Anyone going outside will need to prepare for the worst after seeing the most amount of precipitation all season, and hot temperatures expected into next week.

“I’m enjoying these cooler temperatures because I can just wear the full clothing, and I find a jean jacket, a mosquito is not going to bite through that. The last couple days I’ve been jogging, after the rain and the heat, I’ve definitely noticed a few more bites when I’ve got home,” said another Edmontonian.

The City of Edmonton began mosquito control measures last month after what they call a slow start to the season, but with extra rainfall, they’re advising Edmotonians to take care of standing water.

Some people are taking precautions, others aren’t too worried about the bloodsuckers.

“I take none. I just swat them away, let them go at it.”

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