Edmontonians looking to start gardens despite inconsistent weather

From frost warnings, droughts, and now continuous rain. Starting your garden has become a complex process but experts say there’s no need to worry in the city.

When it comes to spring weather in Edmonton and Alberta, it has its ups and downs. A frost warning over the weekend and now multiple days of rain.

But according to a greenhouse in north Edmonton, there’s nothing to worry about if you’re looking to plant a garden this year.

“We started out pretty nicely but then we got into a cold interval and that’s what we’re in right now,” said Dieter Kuhlmann, the owner & senior partner of Kuhlmann’s Greenhouse.


Edmonton gardeners want some sunshine after a number of days with rainfall and frost warnings, the elements are changing constantly, making it difficult to garden.

“I have limited my front flowers to more weather resistant because we’re gonna have to deal with water issues, they’re not gonna live,” said a gardener CityNews spoke to.

Flowers in an Edmonton greenhouse. (Photo Credit: Adam Ziccarelli, CityNews)

The cold and wet weather isn’t stopping some from starting their own gardens. Groceries are expensive. A garden can be a good investment – if it works out.

“This is my first year actually planting stuff outside so I’m just figuring it out trying to see what I can grow and what I can’t grow,” said one Edmontonian looking to start gardening.

Kuhlmann says frost warnings there shouldn’t be an issue for those living in the city. Those in more rural areas need to keep an eye on their plants if they’re already in the ground.


“We benefit from all the heat sink that goes into the houses during the day. And it’s released at night. So the incidence of possible night frost is very very low. Now further out, that’s a different story,” said Kuhlmann.

This year also marks the 25th year of front yards in bloom, a city-run competition that awards gardeners with the best yards. Kuhlmann says he’s excited to see what the season blooms.