Community leaders welcome derelict property tax assessment

It’s been a month since Edmonton’s property owners got their assessments, and owners of abandoned properties will be taxed more.

Community leaders on Alberta Avenue say they hope the money will be invested back into the neighbourhood.

“For the development of multi-family homes, single-family homes, and we have some great schools and amazing parks that can certainly use a little more tax dollars,” said Valda Roberts, the president of the Alberta Avenue Community League.


Last year, council passed a new class tax for the nearly 300 owners of problem properties — which the city says cost around $1.3 million to taxpayers.

Roberts stresses Alberta Avenue isn’t the only area of the city with derelict homes, but says they are a hazard.

“Having the properties not be accessible to vandalism, to fire to increased erosion is really important,” explained Roberts.

Owners will receive their property tax bill later this year.