Federal response is disappointing: Mayor Sohi addresses arson extortions
Posted February 2, 2024 3:32 pm.
Last Updated February 3, 2024 10:16 am.
Arson extortion – it’s a crime wave that has burned down more than two dozen homes in the Edmonton area.
The targets are often companies based in the Southeast Asian community. The mayor called for more help from investigators once again, speaking on Friday about the rise in organized crime in the city.
“It is impacting the safety and well-being of Edmonton business community and general overall community,” said Sohi.
Last month, the mayor called on Ottawa to address the extortions which have caused millions in damages to properties.
The Edmonton police are involved in 27 investigations. Not only are houses being destroyed, but families are being targeted and threatened.
The mayor, a former cabinet minister in the Trudeau government even went so far as to say the federal government’s response has been disappointing.
“This requires national coordination. I am disappointed with the Federal government that they are not taking this seriously. This is impacting our ability to do business in our city, to promote business in our city,” said Sohi.
Speaking with our sister station — OMNI News — Sohi also addressed safety in the City after a man opened fire with a gun in City Hall, which the City is still recovering from.
“It is shocking. It’s traumatic for our staff, people who work there, and people who go there and we want to make sure that we are providing them safety.”