Edmonton animal group sending crates to Yellowknife to help save pets from wildfire

An organization in Edmonton is doing their part to help save the lives of some furry members of the family. As Adam Ziccarelli reports, crates are needed to bring pets to safety from wildfires.

To make sure pets aren’t left behind in Yellowknife and beyond, Edmontonians are stepping up to help. One company is receiving animal crates to send north to help families bring their pets to safety.

“It’s a pretty chaotic situation here, so anything you are able to do to help our efforts up here. Much appreciated,” said a spokesperson for Veterinarians Without Borders, in an emotional message for aid.


Vetrinarians Without Borders is currently helping animals fleeing the Northwest Territories, as well as those left behind. Saying Yellowknife was sold out of pet carriers.


“Crates are really important for them to to be able to get onto a plane, onto a train, onto a bus. So we’ve been collecting crates for them to try and get as many as possible there,” explained
Leigh Mclean, Edmonton Operations Manager of the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS).

The first shipment of crates from the animal rescue group went out at noon Thursday. But they are still taking donated carriers, and are ready to help animals that end up in Edmonton.


“There is always a possibility that we will need to help with taking in some of the animals that they’ve already got up there. We’ve all kind of felt the strain of what fire can do,” said Mclean.

While the group has received their biggest donation effort, they’re still hoping for more to help those pets also avoiding the wildfires.


“People can go to petswithoutborders.ca, and they can check out all they need there from crate donations to monetary donations. Anything like that can really help out.”