Former Justice Minister faces misconduct hearing

Former Alberta Justice Minister Kaycee Madu is set to face a misconduct hearing over his 2021 call to Edmonton’s police chief over a traffic ticket.

A complaint was filed with the Law Society of Alberta.

It alleges he undermined respect for the administration of justice when he contacted the EPS police chief over a traffic ticket


Madu was handed a $300 dollar ticket in March 2021 for being on his cell phone in a school zone.

He phoned Edmonton Police Chief Dale McFee afterwards.


Madu claimed he did so over concerns of racial profiling and surveillance of politicians.

However, an independent report found Madu attempted to interfere with the administration of justice – but that the conversation fell short of actual interference.

Madu was then removed as justice minister.


Former Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro and Jonathan Denis are also facing hearings with the law society over complaints filed against them.

A complaint was filed against then NDP Justice Minister Kathleen Ganley in 2018 for comments she made about a case, but no hearing was undertaken.