Majority of Albertans driving electric vehicles satisfied with choice: AMA survey

A recent survey of electric vehicle owners in Alberta finds that 97% are happy with their zero-emission vehicle.

Not a surprise Alberta’s harsh winter’s a concern for the majority of those asked.

The survey conducted on behalf of the Alberta Motor Association (AMA), found an overwhelming satisfaction with electric vehicles, with 96 per cent of owners being liekly to repurchase.

William York with the Electric Vehicle Association of Alberta, says while there are other barriers like upfront costs, addressing the perception, is going to take time.


“It’s a great experience, I havn’t been to a gas station since buying my vehicle in 2018,” said York.

“Until there are enough owners that you have a friend that you can call and ask questions. And I think that will be the moment when electric vehicle psychological barriers really start to dissipate.”

Saying, yes his 5-year-old EV started during the latest cold snap, and right now, he could easily take a road trip east, west or south of Edmonton. But the north is still lacking in charging coverage.

For AMA, they’ve transferred some of their fleet to electric and in November started piloting roadside charges, similar to gas top-ups.