City budget talks could put Terwillegar Drive expansion in jeopardy
As budget talks continue at City Hall, with a quest for savings. One councillor is warning that the future of the Terwillegar Drive expansion could be in jeopardy.
“There is not a transit centre, there is no city recreation, there’s walkable communities, but they don’t connect to each other. That’s why Terwillegar Drive is so important. You have to get in your car to do anything,” said Tim Cartmell, Ward pihêsiwin councillor.
Cartmell says his colleagues with the city suggested downsizing the development, with inflation pumping up the price tag. The project is currently sitting at $40 million more than when it was first approved, but Cartmell fears taking the time to re-design the project will only add to inflationary pressures.
Part of the redesign includes improvements to the Whitemud westbound ramp at Terwillegar, which often sees traffic tie-ups and collisions.
“Whether they drive a car, whether they ride a bus, whether their kids are on a school bus, whether they get deliveries to their business from a truck that uses this ramp, this is the number one concern. So, I don’t see much value in delaying projects that have very severe safety consequences.”
Budget deliberations continue at City Hall into next week.