Smith vows to ban mask mandates in Alberta schools; explores appeal of judge’s ruling

Premier Danielle Smith is exploring the possibility of appealing a ruling made by an Alberta judge earlier this week that deemed lifting mask mandates in school in February 'unreasonable.'

By News Staff

Alberta’s new premier confirmed Saturday that her government will ban any mask mandates in K-12 schools going forward, following a judge’s ruling this week on masking in schools.

BACKGROUND: Alberta judge rules province ‘unreasonable’ in lifting masking in schools

An Alberta judge ruled that the lifting of masking rules in schools in February was “unreasonable” because it was made by politicians and not the chief medical officer of health.

In the 28-page court statement released Thursday, Alberta Judge Grant S. Dunlop also ruled that schools were not technically barred from having masks despite opposition from Education Minister Adriana LaGrange.

In a statement on Saturday responding to the judge’s ruling, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said the province “will not permit any further masking mandates of children in Alberta’s K-12 education system.

“The detrimental effects of masking on the mental health, development and education of children in classroom settings is well understood, and we must turn the page on what has been an extremely difficult time for children, along with their parents and teachers.”

Exploring appeal of judge’s ruling

Smith says she has asked Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro to explore if an appeal of Thursday’s decision would be “appropriate.”

“(I) have instructed our government’s ministers of Justice, Health and Education to alert me to any legislative or regulatory changes that may be necessary to reaffirm or clarify our government’s full authority with respect to this and other health and education matters.”

The Alberta Federation of Labour brought the initial lawsuit against the provincial government on behalf of immunocompromised school children.

RELATED: Alberta judge ruling in provincial government involvement for public health decisions

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