Paska for Peace: Edmontonian bakes Easter bread to fundraise for Ukraine

An Edmonton woman baked 223 loaves of bread for relief efforts in Ukraine. As Laura Krause reports, her Paska for Peace campaign has raised thousands of dollars.

An Edmonton woman combined her desire to help those caught in the turmoil in Ukraine with her love of baking to raise funds for the Eastern European country that was invaded by Russia two months ago.

Daria Luciw is baking ‘paskas,’ a traditional Ukrainian Easter bread, to help relief efforts in Ukraine.

The goal of the ‘Paska for Peace’ fundraiser is to raise funds to help purchase a portable X-ray machine for a hospital in Lviv, Ukraine.


“I’m hoping that having that machine will save lives, will give doctors who are working there under horrible circumstances right now the ability to diagnose those civilians and soldiers who need those surgeries, and be able to diagnose them accurately,” said Luciw.

The Edmonton woman has made 223 loafs for her campaign so far – totalling more than $4,000.

But she’s not turning off her oven yet.

Luciw will continue making more paska this week for those who celebrate Orthodox Easter on Sunday.

“The intensity of what is happening in Ukraine is just leading people to want to do something,” she said. “And while we can’t be there, we can raise money in whatever way we can, whatever talents we might bring to do that.


“I love baking and it was my approach to raising some money.”