KN95s or blue surgical facemasks? An epidemiologist weights in on what Albertans should be wearing
Posted December 22, 2021 9:02 am.
The most coveted present this Christmas might not be a new toy or gadget – it might just be a protective face mask that Edmontonians are scrambling to get their hands on.
As Omicron cases continue to rise, an expert spoke to CityNews about what face masks the public should wear.
“Anyone who’s in a high-risk environment, like being a server, or a barber, or anything involving close up contact with people indoors, are at tremendous risk, tremendous risk if they’re wearing a blue rectangle. They should be wearing N95 masks. There’s no question in my mind at all,” says infection control epidemiologist Colin Furness.
Furness says he personally wears a KN95 mask when he goes out and when he’s done using it, he’ll put it in a sealed plastic bag in his pocket.
“You cannot have the mask touching facial hair. It’s got to just touch skin all the way around. So it looks like I’ve got a pretty good seal all the way around. And the last part is to press that wire around the nose, pinch it and press down.”
Furness says the 95 in N95 and KN95 refers to the percentage of small particles the mask will block out, which is better at protecting people from COVID-19.
READ MORE: Switch to N95 masks with surge in COVID-19 Omicron cases, infection control expert says
He adds the blue rectangular three-layer masks, which gape in certain areas, offer much less protection.
If you’re hoping to get your hands on some N95 or KN95 masks, your best bet may be to check online. On Twitter, Albertans are saying they managed to find some at Costco,, Good Manner, and even Amazon Germany.
Furness says one N/KN95 mask is good for up to eight hours total of wear – and then you should dispose of it.
“If you’re working that’s one work shift, right? If you’re shopping, if you’re being a regular person out and about, that could last for many days.”