Aggression and threats on campaign trail a frequent occurrence: Calgary MP

Calgary Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner released a statement Saturday saying politicians, particularly women, are frequently on the receiving end of “violent language, threats and abuse.”

In the past two weeks, Rempel Garner said she’s been chased down the street by two different men with cameras demanding her response to “conspiracy theories.” On Friday night, she said she and her husband were “accosted by a large man who aggressively approached us” while dining at a restaurant.

“I have also received a death threat from someone who called my office in escalating states of verbal abuse over the course of days,” she said.

“This meant I can’t advertise the location of my campaign office. I can’t attend public events where my attendance has been advertised. I’ve had to enhance security measures. I’m on edge and feel fear when I’m getting in and out of my car, and out in public in general.”

Rempel Garner suggested legislation may be necessary to enhance the ability to prosecute “criminal harassment.”

“A line has to be drawn,” she said.

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