Alberta anger turns to Wexit after Liberal electoral victory

CALGARY (660 NEWS) – While much of Canada was seeing red in the electoral maps, many Albertans are left feeling blue.

Not a single Liberal won a seat in this province and ideas like a Western Canadian exit from Canada or Wexit exploded in popularity.

The hashtag #Wexit became the number one trend on Twitter in Canada Tuesday morning after the election results were announced.

One Facebook page supporting Wexit went from a few thousand supporters to nearly 70,000 overnight.

As of Wednesday morning the group has over 212,000 members.

Its founder Peter Downing is calling for a separation referendum immediately and wants a new player in Parliament.

“We’re very close to registering Wexit Canada, which is basically going to be the Bloc Quebecois of the west but it does a little bit more damage.”

He contends a new party with support from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and parts of BC could result in more seats than Quebec.

READ MORESupport for Western Canadian party growing: poll

He also believes Alberta should remove the RCMP and use a provincial police force, controlling our immigration, and finances.

“It starts with the pressure on Jason Kenney right now for a referendum on separation, right now.”

Despite the rise in popularity, not everyone is on board with separation.

In a poll released by ThinkHQ last week, only 23 per cent of those polled agreed with the idea of independence.

READ MOREDespite federal frustrations, Alberta not ready to separate: poll

Calgary-Nose Hill MP Michelle Rempel says those who want out of confederation shouldn’t be mocked or ignored.

“I think what the rest of the country is going to see very quickly here is this isn’t a fringe sentiment, there’s a lot of angry people. ”

She argues Justin Trudeau has a lot of work to do to repair relations with the province.

“Repeal Bill C-69, repeal Bill-C 48, scrap the carbon tax, and wear an oil and gas T-shirt,” were some of the suggestions Rempel gave to Trudeau.

WATCH: Rural Albertans respond to election result


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