Alberta RCMP launches “House Hunters” social media campaign

EDMONTON (660 NEWS) — Spring has arrived, and the Alberta RCMP is reminding those on the hunt for a new house or looking to modify their current homes to consider adding safety features to combat crime.

The month-long campaign, dubbed House Hunt Initiative (#HouseHuntersRCMPEdition on social media), was started to teach Albertans that certain design choices can deter or prevent criminal activity.

“Rural crime has escalated over the past couple of years, which is one of the reasons we have researched these, and we’ve launched them to the public,” stated Jennifer Kee with the RCMP’s K Division. “They are being proactive on how we can combat crime together.”

Here are some things to consider when purchasing a new house or planning spring projects:

· Install outdoor lighting. This can include solar lights and motion-censored lights.


· Keep yard well-maintained so it’s obvious if something is out of place.

· Build a fence.

· Install gates – especially on rural driveways.

· Plant natural barriers under windows or as a natural fence. Thorny plants such as raspberries and roses are good choices.

· Trim trees so you have clear sightlines across the yard.


· Install a security system or cameras.

· Use signage to let potential thieves know the premise is being monitored by video surveillance and/or citizen-led watch groups.

· Remove signs that identify you by your last name.

· Create clear definition between the driveway and the grass. This makes it obvious if a car is parked where it shouldn’t be.

To test your knowledge on crime prevention through environmental design you can visit any of the RCMP’s social media pages (Twitter @RCMPAlberta, Facebook @RCMPinAlberta, and YouTube @RCMP-GRC Alberta).