Carbon pricing, climate change likely big issues in coming federal election

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Carbon pricing and other climate change policies will very likely end up being hot topics ahead of the federal election this fall, and the issue could end up front and centre as the main parties fight for votes.

Mike De Souza, managing editor of the National Observer, believes it’s very possible.

He tells “The Big Story Podcast” that Conservative politicians will make it a main issue and the Liberals will be comfortable with that fight.


“I think that Conservative politicians will make carbon pricing a main issue in the election campaign. I think the Liberals are certainly prepared and comfortable to fight an election campaign on this issue,” he says. “Framing it around the costs of not taking action, of climate change impacts, of what scientists say we need to do.”

He says the other parties will likely say they’re not doing enough.

“I think there will be parties like the NDP and the Greens who will say even what the Liberals are proposing is not enough, so hold to your hat or hold onto your seats, whatever the expression is – it’s going to be a significant issue.”

De Souza says he expects voters will hear a lot more about climate change policy in the months ahead.