Premier Kenney says ‘no way’ to Alberta PST
Posted November 5, 2019 7:43 am.
This article is more than 5 years old.
CALGARY (660 NEWS) – Alberta’s premier won’t introduce the provincial sales tax (PST) anytime soon.
Jason Kenney made the comments as economists raise the idea as a solution to Alberta’s financial problems.
Kenney contends we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem and now is not the time to increase taxes.
“Especially at a time of adversity when people’s incomes have gone down, the cost of living has gone up.”
He goes on to say Alberta needs to follow the spending habits of other provinces.
“If we were simply spending at the same average per-person level as other Canadian provinces, we would, instead of running an eight-billion dollar deficit, we’d be running about a $4 billion surplus.”
Kenney is returning to the province after a trade trip to Mexico over the weekend.