Citywide parking ban phase 1 begins Sunday in Edmonton

A citywide parking ban in Edmonton will go into effect on Sunday, February 2, at 7 p.m., as a result of heavy snowfall and icy conditions.

Phase 1 of the ban will target major roads, including arterial roads, collector roads, bus routes, and roads in business areas. The ban is expected to last about five days, with updates provided as crews finish their work.

“Snow has been coming down with significant accumulation in the last 48 hours, and a Phase 1 parking ban is necessary to ensure the major roadways are cleared and safe for all vehicles,” said Val Dacyk, General Supervisor of Infrastructure Field Operations. “Keeping major roadways cleared of parked vehicles is essential for crews to clear roads.”

Parking is prohibited in the affected areas during Phase 1, and vehicles left there after 7 p.m. on February 2 may be ticketed or towed. Residential street parking will remain unaffected.

Once Phase 1 roads are cleared, parking will be allowed again where it is normally permitted.

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