Dog falls into cold water in Edmonton dog park, owners say time to be careful

Edmonton reached a high of five degrees on Friday. It’s above normal for the middle of January, so Edmontonians are hitting dog parks. But the milder temperature is creating some risks.

Friday afternoon Edmonton Fire Rescue Services was called about a dog that fell through an ice shelf at Hermitage Park.

Crews were able to get the dog out and bring it to safety.

One Edmonton man who trains horses for a living knows the struggle with falling through ice, he’s done it and so has one of his dogs.

“Pretty helpless, wet, cold. Your adrenaline is running but can you really get out?” asked Jeffrey Kelly.

His advice is to make sure your dog is trained.

“Your vocals mean a lot. You know how you express yourself if you keep your voice low when you’re training them, and when you want them to come back you raise your voice to be more stern and more firm. They should be able to listen to you.”

EFRS says while it hasn’t seen an increase in calls for ice rescues this week, it reminds Edmontonians to keep a safe distance from the North Saskatchewan River and frozen stormwater ponds.

Adding, the ice may look thick, but flowing water underneath and fluctuating temperatures create weak areas.

If you see someone or a pet go through the ice, do not attempt to rescue them yourself. Call 9-1-1.

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